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Compression Pants vs. Compression Boots: Uncovering the Difference

May 20, 2024

Would you cook without salt? Read in the dark? Clean without cleaning detergents? Of course not, because all these elements enhance processes and outcomes. Similarly, enhancing your recovery process can make a significant difference. That's why we developed our Recovery Pants, extending the massage from the gluteus maximus to the lower back. Why is this a game-changer for athletes across various sports? Dive into this blog post to find out.

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King of Muscles

The King of Muscles

So, who or what is this Gluteus Maximus we're talking about? Sounds like the name of a historical ruler, right? In a way, it is apt since it's also dubbed the king of muscles. Gluteus Maximus, in Latin, means "largest buttock muscle." It's the largest muscle by volume in the human body and the second most powerful after the masseter (jaw muscle). While you can win a marathon without using your masseter, you can't stand or walk without your Gluteus Maximus. It's a pivotal muscle for your athletic performance. So, better not neglect your backside!

The Gluteus is part of the so-called posterior chain, which plays a significant role in the success of athletes in sprinting and jumping sports, contributing to about 80% of jump power and sprint speed. Half of that power comes from the Gluteus itself, making its performance crucial for nearly every athlete. For comparison, the quadriceps only contribute 5% to jump power and sprint speed.

Our takeaway: Pay homage to your king, and you'll be crowned with success!

Checkmate Your Competition - How Our Recovery Pants Turn You Into A Winner

Classic Recovery Boots stop at the groin and are worn like two separate boots, ending the massage at the thigh's upper limit, leaving out muscle groups above the thighs. Our Recovery Pants, however, are designed like trousers that extend up to the midsection, depending on your height. This is the critical performance advantage of our Recovery Pants. They continue where the boots leave off, including not just the Gluteus Maximus but also the Piriformis, the Iliopsoas, and the hip flexors in the massage—all crucial muscles in the hip and buttock area. Two compression chambers on the back also provide a pleasant massage to the lower back, contributing to the overall well-being of your backside. For athletes, this means a significant performance edge as lactate transport is not limited to the legs.

With the innovative Pants design, you can now adjust the leg circumference with three integrated zippers at the upper and lower legs to fit your unique leg size. The result is a more effective and faster recovery.

Thanks to the overlapping technology, exclusively available with our Boots and Pants, gaps between chambers are eliminated, offering a particularly smooth massage with seamless transitions.

Impulse & Flow

Intense Flow

What's Next?

Flowell Recovery Pants are a revolutionary step in enhancing athletic performance and recovery. By extending the benefits of compression massage beyond the legs to include crucial muscle groups in the hip and lower back, Flowell ensures a comprehensive and effective recovery experience. Invest in your body's well-being and give yourself the competitive edge with Flowell Recovery Pants.

The Next Generation of Sports Recovery

Achieving new personal bests starts with new recovery routines:

RECOVERY ON DEMAND: Unrivaled comfort, optimal results, convenient mobile or home treatments

PASSIVE RECOVERY: Become a better athlete from the sofa

SCIENCE-BACKED: Maximize muscle performance

MORE MASSAGE: 33% more massage coverage thanks to our innovative pants system

TRUSTED PARTNER: Backed by our 100% money-back guarantee


Experience the pinnacle of sports recovery with Flowell's cutting-edge technology. Our innovative PULSEFLOW system revolutionizes post-training recovery, ensuring your peak performance. Clinical research underscores the effectiveness of our pneumatic compression technology in facilitating rapid recovery, minimizing fatigue, and maximizing athletic potential. Elevate your training regimen with Flowell's compression system, the ultimate solution for enhancing athletic performance and ensuring optimal recovery between matches.

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