Achieving peak performance and quick recovery is essential for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, and we at Flowell are here to help you reach those goals. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and science-based methods, Flowell ensures that your recovery sessions are not only efficient but also enjoyable. Whether you’re a professional athlete or a casual fitness enthusiast, these 11 tips will help you maximize the benefits of your Flowell routine and keep you performing at your best.
Extract the full 100% effectiveness from your Flowell session.
Science-Based Tip: Timing is Crucial. Choose the Right Moment for Your Recovery Routine You can use your Flowell Recovery Boots and Pants whenever you feel like it. However, the ideal time window for your recovery routine is 60 minutes after training. The greatest recovery effect is achieved immediately after your training session, in the open window of 30-60 minutes. This is when your metabolism is still running at full speed, and your Flowell Recovery Boots or Pants can actively support lactate removal.
Position Yourself in Your Recovery Boots or Pants Without Obstructing Blood Flow Let your Flowell Recovery Boots and Pants work with gravity, not against it. To prevent a backflow of lactate, use the Flowell Recovery Boots as horizontally as possible with legs extended. Make sure that your groin is not sharply bent to avoid interrupting blood flow, and position the tips of your toes below your heart.
Pay Attention to the Placement of the Air Tubes Ensure that the air supply tubes are not pinched, for example, by sitting on them or bending them.
Drink Sufficiently Before, During, and After the Flowell Recovery Session Make sure you are well-hydrated. We recommend consuming a protein shake, electrolytes, and salts before the recovery session. It is also important to drink plenty of water before and after the session. In a dehydrated state, you may be prone to cramps.
Also Mentally Engage in Relaxation Make yourself comfortable and fully engage in relaxation. Not just your body, but also your mind contributes to recovery.
Indulge in Some Me-Time: The Optimal Duration is 20-50 Minutes for an effective Flowell massage, you should ideally take 20-50 minutes. Your body needs time to break down waste products, so make sure to give yourself ample time for recovery.
Vary and Combine Massage Programs in Your Flowell Sessions Your Flowell Recovery Boots are equipped with various programs to satisfy different needs and preferences. You can read a detailed description of all programs here.
The Wiser Give In: Approach Your Individual Pressure Level Gradually Pressure sensitivity is subjective, so start with a lower pressure level and increase gradually. The aim is to find a pressure that feels good and is not uncomfortable. Users with thinner legs often need to work with a higher pressure. With the innovative Pants 2.0, you can adjust the circumference through integrated zippers to your individual leg anatomy, making the pressure more intense and effective.
Use the Deactivatable Chambers if Needed You can deactivate compression chambers if you want to exclude pain-sensitive areas from the massage. Additionally, you can turn off the top chamber if you only have Flowell boots that are too large for you.
Only Use Cooling Regeneration Measures After Application If you employ additional cooling regeneration measures, use them after the recovery application for about 10 minutes. Never use them before, as the vessels will constrict due to the cold.
Good to know: Many athletes refrain from using Flowell the day before a competition to maintain muscle tone.
What now? You have the tools and the knowledge - off to your training, to then experience the optimal recovery application!